Reincarnated As a Ferocious Fowl of Fortune and Fire


A young human is given the chance at a second life after dying due to a paperwork error from the Bureau of Intelligence on Reincarnation and the Dead or Souls(AKA BIRDS). Unfortunately for the human, BIRDS is full of immortals who don't exactly care about the requests of the mortal souls. As a result, the (previously) human's new form is not exactly human. "Feathers?! Are you kidding me?!?! I'm a bird?!?!" At least xey weren't reincarnated as a chicken. (( I find offense in the fact that the genres have a [Female Lead] and [Male Lead] option but don't have a [Non-binary Lead] option. I would like that to be an option. They have a lgbtq+ tag. Why don't they have at least an [Other Lead] option?))

Associated Names

author: Sylvrain

genre: Fantasy

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